The Process

  • Step 1

    Schedule a 30-minute call with me to discuss your pain points and vision for living your best life. We will decide which format my Brave, Bold, Beautiful (3Bs) coaching program is right for you. It is offered as an 8-session coaching program, accessible in 3 formats: 1 to 1 coaching; 4-6 person group coaching; or an 8-module online coaching program.

  • Step 2

    Overview the format, requirements, and expectations of the coaching engagement you select.

  • Step 3

    Engaging in my 3Bs coaching program will result in you having a new, joyful perspective on life and access to the power you already possess to create and daily live the life of your dreams. You will have the “keys to the car” to drive joyfully on your pathway forward to success.

your Success

A new mindset empowered by self-belief in your faith, confidence, courage, worthiness, and access to living your best life, AND knowledge of the system, strategies, and weapons (the tactics, tools, and techniques) of success. You will wake up each day with a grateful heart, eager and ready to use your gifts and talents in service for the betterment of your 4 circles of influence: home, community, workplace, and world. Joy will be your morning star, as you make the choice, to take a chance, to change the trajectory of your life.

The External Problem

Unaware there is a system of success. Inability to access it. Dis-empowered to use it.

Your Internal Problem

Lost, confused, unworthy, dis-empowered, longing, unfulfilled, frustrated, shame, fear.

My Empathy

As a woman of color, I know what it means to feel like you are powerless in a male-dominated world; to internalize society's message of being second class, not good enough to lead, just available to satisfy others' needs.

My Authority

Through my life experiences over the past 4 decades as a wife, mother, career professional, community and church leader, I learned the system of success. Weathering the ups and down of marriage and raising 2 children, while pursuing a career that spans 12-years in corporate America, and 28-years in academia as a college professor teaching over 4,500 students leadership and professional development, I have studied and experienced the external and internal barriers to success. Holding a PhD in leadership development along with ICF certification in life coaching with a niche in women empowerment, success, and divine purpose, I have coached many women in their discovery of the system of success and their internal power to access the system and lead a life of success, significance, and service.


  • Receive personalized guidance tailored to your unique goals and challenges, ensuring actionable strategies for success from a seasoned leadership coach.

  • Tap into a holistic approach that integrates professional wisdom with personal experiences as a wife, mother, and woman of faith, fostering transformative growth in all aspects of life.

  • Specialized insights honed through decades of academic expertise and real-world application, tailored to drive your organization's success to new heights.